This website is intended to possibly help others just by telling my story but does not constitute the answer of an ailment.  Always seek medical advice from your primary care physician.  

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Stomach Pain In The Morning

If you or your little one is experiencing stomach pain in the morning and you can't figure out the reasoning and you've consulted with your physician or your child's pediatrician, the pain could be due to excess mucus that has accumulated in the stomach over night.  

Why Does This Happen?

Well when we go to bed at night, we continue to breathe in allergens in the air such as mold spores, dander, dust, etc.   When our bodies react to these allergens, our bodies produce mucus.  And in my case and so many other, I produce an abundance of it.  Mucus does not stop accumulating in our bodies when we are sleeping.  

Do You Have An Allergy?

If you or your little one has an allergy towards something, your or child's body is definitely producing mucus each time contact is made with an allergen.  

Not sure if you have an allergy.  Look for signs to include but not limited:

  • hayfever
  • hives
  • itching skin

Pay close attention to symptoms around the spring and fall months.  These months are when everything is in full bloom.

What I Do To Remedy My Stomach Pain In The Morning?

Before we go to bed, we blow our noses and clear our sinuses by using our own neti pot/saline rinse.

When we wake up, we do the same thing.    

Yes, that simple!

After we blow our noses, then we all clear our sinuses using our own neti pot.  It is so important to flush all of the mucus out that has built up over night. If it does not get flushed, the mucus will continue to accumulate which will ultimately cause abdominal pain, sinus headache, ear infection, etc

Ugh! Awful! 

Note:  If one blow his/her nose and nothing comes out but awful pain is present, it is absolute necessary that a neti pot/saline rinse be used to help push the mucus out.  The mucus is just hanging out in your sinuses--needs to be flushed.

Do Your Ears Feel Blocked Too?

For me, when my ear is blocked, I usually have stomach pain as well.  When I flush my sinuses (sometimes after a few times) my ear becomes unblocked allowing my abdominal pain to be relieved and at times by way of gas or bowels.  

Note:  As soon as I feel my ear becoming full, I use my neti.  I don't wait a couple of days before flushing.  If I do, this could lead to me getting an ear infection due to stagnant mucus. 

I hope this information has helped you.  Please comment and share if it has. xo, V❤️

About Me

I am a mom of two and wife who looks for natural options and who knows a thing or two about the neti pot as well as resolving my stomach pain.  I love mine and can't imagine life without it.  Sounds funny, huh? But so true!! Read more about me..

Follow Me on You Tube for great videos and tips!  I hope this website helps and that you find relief too!  Please share if it has.

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