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Food Allergy Blood Test Or Skin Test May Help With Determining 
Your Belly Pain

A food allergy blood test or skin prick test may be needed if someone is continuing to have severe stomach pain when all other tests and diagnostics come back clear.

Why Have A Food Allergy Blood Test Done?

Well a lot of people do not realize that a food-allergy can develop later on in life as it did for me.

I never had food allergies, well not that I was aware of, until after I had our second little one.  After I had her, I started to experience severe belly pain periodically.  I never thought it was the food I was eating because again I never had food allergies.

Fast forward a few years---I was till having this constant stomach pain with all of my ultrasounds, and other tests coming back negative.

With my belly pain, I also noticed that my seasonal allergies were much worse, so I decided to go to an allergist to have my allergy testing done.

I'm glad that I did because my test revealed that I had major food allergies.

What Does The Test Entail?

Skin Test

Well my test, entailed a lot of pricks on my back administered by a health professional.  When the pricks were made, not too bad but not very fun either, very irritating, the skin is then tested based on how inflamed the skin becomes.  

Each prick denotes an allergen such as dander, mold, a certain food, etc which is of course tested against the skin.

Food Allergy Blood Test

This particular test is administered when the skin test cannot be completed due to severe skin reactions such as eczema or other severe reactions.

Results Of Testing

The skin testing may have to be done in more than one parts but all reveal exactly which allergens an individual is sensitive to. 

For mine, I was given a list and each item was given a number that represented if I was either severely, mildly or not allergic to a particular item.  

With the list, I can determine which foods I should attempt to avoid.

I hope this information has helped you.  Please comment and share if it has. xo, V❤️

About Me

I am a mom of two and wife who looks for natural options and who knows a thing or two about the neti pot as well as resolving my stomach pain.  I love mine and can't imagine life without it.  Sounds funny, huh? But so true!! Read more about me..

Follow Me on You Tube for great videos and tips!  I hope this website helps and that you find relief too!  Please share if it has.

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